Flea Market Haul… Kinda

This past Sunday, Pedro [my boyfriend] and I went to the Columbus Flea Market.  We’re huge fans of flea markets, especially this one.  I always look for quirky items, Russian nesting dolls, and “little shits” [as I like to call them] that I don’t need, but are too adorable to pass up.  Pedro always looks for anything Volkswagen-related, which I started to eye up myself (old advertisements, etc.).  I thought, I just started this blog… what a perfect topic for a blog post!  I’ll get fun stuff, things to photograph, but what did I end up getting?

Screen Shot 2015-05-06 at 11.42.21 PMFour tiny little succulents for $2.  No cute antiques to photograph the hell out of.  No fun accessories to wear and obsess over.  Plants.

I refuse to let this flea market post turn into a total dud.  Let me show you some of the things I’ve picked up over the years along with a random political cat, because people/animal watching at flea markets is always fun.  I’m hoping this weekend will be more promising!

Also, let me know what you think!  Do you go to flea markets?  What do you always look for?  What’s your best find?

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