New Summer Fave


I recently picked up the Bobbi Brown Beach rollerball from Sephora, and I have been obsessed with it every since, but I have to admit, it wasn’t love at first smell for some reason.  I first tried it at that area of ultimate temptation: loads of products while waiting in line to check out.  The name immediately caught my attention, as the older I get, the more in love I am with the beach.  I put it on my wrist, smelled it… and really didn’t like it.  I kept saying, “I just want to take it off!”  Maybe 15 minutes later while a friend of mine and I were having dinner, I gave it another whiff and fell in love.  I picked it up a week later and haven’t shut up about it ever since.  It smells EXACTLY like your hair and skin smell after a long day at the beach: salt water, sand, little hint of sunscreen [not in an obnoxious way].  It’s truly perfect.  Even when you can’t spend your day at the beach, you can smell like you did.

[Last] Friday Ice Cream Party

Obviously summer’s around the corner, and you know what that means: ICE CREAM.  Okay, so maybe I’m that person who eats it year-round, but there’s something about ice cream when it’s warmer that makes it that much better.  Ellie and I went to Little Baby’s last Friday after grabbing dinner.  I’ve been there a few times, but it’s been a while.  There were so many awesome flavors, but in true indecisive spirit, we decided to go for the sampler(!!!).  We chose some, but then let the guy working there pick the rest, which I would highly suggest if you’re up in the air and want to play ice cream roulette.  Here’s what we got:


1. Early Grey Sriracha
2. ReAnimator Coffee Red Eye
3. Speculoos
4. Chocolate Chocolate Cookie Dough
5. Lychee Lemonade
6. Cucumber Dill

All of these flavors were fantastic, but there was one that I just couldn’t get over: Cucumber Dill.  It was amazing, light and perfect.  The dill wasn’t overpowering, but just enough to give the cucumber a little hint of something else.  I definitely recommend it if it’s available.